Our main goal is, as always, Zero incidents! We will achieve this goal by creating and implementing a safety culture in the office and o/b our vessels.
The 1st step is to understand that safety starts with you! Safety is an integral part of your job regardless of your current position.
To achieve the desired safety culture onboard our vessels and in office, we need to start thinking about safety and execute safety everywhere, anytime. We should lead by example, safety should be reflected in every action we perform, from work onboard, wearing proper PPE, conducting safety meetings, correspondence with the vessels, briefings in office till any small action taken by us.
Safety is one of the core values of our company and as such should be put on our daily agenda and should be part of our DNA.
We should achieve safety and environmental excellence, which means operation with effective management systems that consistently strive to improve and achieves reliable and incidents-free performance. Remember that each incident jeopardizes the company’s reputation, results in financial loss is time-consuming and most important it could cause injury to crew and/or loss of file. It’s our job to do the utmost to avoid the next incident and to ask ourselves if we are doing enough to achieve the target.
The main items for safety plan are:
- ASM Safety Committee – Designated committee to discuss safety, focusing on creating a new culture, find creative ways ‘‘out of the box’’ to share the same atmosphere as on board.
- Safety campaigns – PPE / ‘‘Stop the work’’ including the new concept of crew family involvement.
- ASM Office commitment – Safety starts with you! Shortly you will undergo safety training where you will be explained the safety expectations as an ASM employee.
- Change of the incentive policy– Rewards for safety actions by flags and by yearly reward for the most creative ideas/best practice and contribution to the safety culture.
- Office incentive reward – as mentioned safety is everyone’s job, thus we want to hear your thoughts and creative ideas to improve our safety culture. All ideas will be discussed by the ASM safety committee and the idea that could contribute the most contribute to improving the safety culture will be implemented and the idea provider will be rewarded by the CEO.
As part of our safety campaign we are introducing new templates with our safety logo ‘‘Think before you do, safety starts with you’’, this will remind you to think safety before any action. The new templates will replace our existing templates and will be added to your outlook signature.